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It took me the longest to write this portion of the site. How do I tell you about who I am but only parts that are useful for you to know and keeping it short, because girl has been around for a while.

Here’s my attempt at summarising me, for you.

What do I do for a living?

I hosted TV shows for 8TV, Hypp TV, Astro Supersport, Astro Arena, Astro Citra and Astro Ria.


I also host events for brands you may have heard of like Kotex, Rexona, Walls, Dutch Lady, Nokia, and Celcom, to name a few. Before you ask, I don’t host weddings or annual dinners. Others are much better at it and I don't enjoy it as much.


I also had a good 5 season stint with the Asia LeMans Series, hosting the live broadcast of the race to a worldwide audience.


Clients also book me to act in commercials or corporate videos.

What do I do in my spare time?

When I do find some “me time” I will pick up a book and read on the floor while my cats snuggle their way around me, taking turns to lie on my belly. I enjoy yoga and I force myself to do strength training, notice the difference there? *wink wink* I also spend a lot of time with my cats and dogs, all rescued and live with me.

What’s important to me?

If I could give you a list of values that I hold close to my heart, it would be compassion, kindness, authenticity, curiosity and inner harmony.

These values may move up and down the ranks, but throughout my years of living, they have stayed the same.


Compassion and kindness have a lot to do with my love for animals, and it’s also the love and respect I am cultivating for myself. Authenticity is my first criteria for my content and how I present myself to the world. Curiosity applies to continuous learning and my ever thirsty mind. Lastly, inner harmony to ensure there is balance and acceptance within me.

Nadia Nash profile

What is this training thing you keep hearing about?

My journey of searching for purpose and fulfilment led to the creation of Good Talk. I envision a future where my love for communication and public speaking has made an impact on the lives of others and it creates a domino effect of good people helping more good people. I provide training and educational content to help you speak and present better, clarifying your message, empowering you to find your voice, speak like yourself and truly believe that you can do it.

Call it any name you want, communication, public speaking, presenting, hosting… I call it “the love of my life”, because I can’t imagine my life without it, it has brought me fulfilment and meaning and I have so much fun doing it. So I want you to share the same joy and love for it as well because it matters. Your voice, delivered well, matters. (If you ask me, that’s how we are going to make this world a better place, together.)

Thanks for reaching the end of this. Truly, this was not short.

I’m happy you now understand abit more of who I am, and hopefully will now understand how and why I do what I do.

Need more?

Peel more layers. See many other sides of me.

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